Protecting your rights every step of the way
When you cannot take care of yourself due to incapacitation, the process of guardianship may be used to allow someone to manage your property and affairs. These guardians are usually appointed by the court if you have not designated someone to make decisions on your behalf or care for you. Legally appointed guardians are instructed to act in your best interests and those of your estate as well.
Guardianship can ensure that your interests are not only protected, but taken care of by a knowledgeable source. However, situations may arise that can seem tricky at first without the help of a lawyer. An incapacitated person unaware of the needs of their situation may need a third party to step in and address the help deemed necessary to manage your life with success. Loved ones may be able to petition the court for a guardian if they feel that one is needed, but if the guardian in question is found to not be acting in the best interests of the estate, legal action may also be necessary.